HomeFOOD STYLING & PHOTOGRAPHY Orange Juice Photography

Orange Juice Photography

Posted in : FOOD STYLING & PHOTOGRAPHY on by : Garima Tags: , ,

Orange Juice Photography. Easy tricks for your food photos.

It is important to understand the subject at first. Then pick the suitable props that will enhance the appearance of the main subject.

i always get to shoot a lot to get the right shot. Experiment with arranging the items or props is must.

Food Styling & Photography Ideas:

Orange Juice Photography.

  • BACKDROP: Have a Dark Background. I prefer a Wooden Surface.
  • LEVELS & Height: Place the main dish over the napkin or plate. Multiple levels creates a visual difference and raises up the scene.
  • PROPS: Add sides with the ingredients. Adjust the position of props. Make sure the subject is the main highlight of the frame.
  • LIGHTING: Shot it under natural light by focussing on the details. Take photos from different angles and choose the best one.

More “Food Styling and Photography Ideas“, Find here https://foodiegarima.com/food-styling-photography/

“Orange Juice” Styling & Photography : G Garima

Note : (This is not a part of any Paid or Barter Collaboration.)

If you want to collaborate with me for food photography and want to promote your brand, cafe or restaurant food, just send me an email. I would like to hear.

Hope you like my blog and photography.

Thank you for visiting my blog!!

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