HomeFOOD STORIES Velouté Sauce Derivatives

Velouté Sauce Derivatives

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French and Continental Cuisine has Five Basic Sauces or “Five Mother Sauces” from which other “Small Sauces” are derived. Today I’m covering the Derivatives of “Velouté” Sauce.

Mother Sauces are:

  1. Béchamel Sauce
  2. Velouté Sauce
  3. Espagnole Sauce
  4. Hollandaise Sauce
  5. Tomato Sauce

For Detailed Description Of These “Five Mother Sauces”, Click This Link https://foodiegarima.com/five-mother-sauces-classification/

To Know the Derivatives, Composition and Other Details of Remaining Sauces, Click This Link https://foodiegarima.com/food-stories/

Velouté Sauce: (White Stock + Roux)

  • This is a “White Sauce” with a Blonde or Light Brown color. This has a Velvety and Smooth Texture
  • White Stock + Roux
  • White Stock: Chicken and Fish (basically chicken Stock)
  • White Stock of Chicken for Chicken Velouté and White Stock of Fish for Fish Velouté. Don’t cook Fish Velouté for more than 20 mins and add wine to it at a later stage.

Its Composition:

  1. Liquid: White Stock
  2. Thickening Agent: White or Blonde Roux
  3. Flavoring or Seasoning Agents: Herbs, Bouquet Garni, Mirepoix

Derivatives of Velouté Sauce: (“Chicken Velouté” as a “Base”)

S. No.Chicken Velouté Derivative Sauce
(Chicken Velouté + Egg Yolks
+ Mushroom Trimming + Cream
+ Lemon Juice)
(Mushroom Trimming is optional)
(Chicken Velouté + White Wine
+ Parsley + Shallots + Mushroom
Trimming + Strain + Cream + Yolk
+ Lemon Juice)
3.MUSHROOM Velouté Sauce
(Supreme Sauce +
Sliced Button Mushrooms)
4.IVORY Sauce
(Supreme Sauce + Meat Glaze)
(Chicken Velouté +Paprika
+ White Wine + Cream)
6.AURORE Chicken Velouté
(Chicken Velouté +
Tomato Sauce + Butter)
(Onion + Saute Apples in Butter
+ Curry Powder + Coconut Milk
+ Velouté sauce + Strain

Note :

Never add melted butter to sauce. Always use Butter Chunks.

Other Derivatives: (“Fish Velouté” or “Meat Velouté” as a “Base”)

S. No.“Fish Velouté” or “Meat Velouté”
Derivative Sauce
(Fish Velouté + Mushrooms
+ Oyster Liquor + Fish Fumet
+ Egg Yolk + Cream + Shelled
Shrimp Tails + Shrimp Butter)
(Thin Fish Velouté + Yolk +
Butter + Double Boiler Method
(Normande Sauce + Lobster Butter)
(Mutton Velouté + Caper/Lamb)
(Allemande Sauce + Mushroom Essence
+ Lemon Juice + Parsley)
(Fish Velouté + Fish Fumet + Shelled
Shrimp Tails + Cream + Shrimp Butter)
(Allemande Sauce + Shallots +
White Wine + Meat Glaze + Butter)



To Know Béchamel Sauce Composition, Derivatives and Other Details, Click This Link https://foodiegarima.com/derivatives-of-bechamel-sauce/

To Know Espagnole Sauce Composition, Derivatives and Other Details, Click This Link https://foodiegarima.com/espagnole-sauce-derivatives/

To Know Hollandaise Sauce Composition, Derivatives and Other Details, Click This Link https://foodiegarima.com/hollandaise-sauce-derivativve/

To Know Tomato Sauce Composition, Derivatives and Other Details, Click This Link https://foodiegarima.com/tomato-sauce-derivatives/

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